Monday, February 28, 2011

.. on Tyler Hilton

I've loved Tyler Hilton ever since I discovered him back in 2007 thru his video When It Comes. I was working as a TSR/CSR for MTV's now defunct music download site, URGE ( which has since merged w/ Rhapsody, those were good times definitely ). So anyway, I'm in the habit of looking up artists I came across say a couple of years ago that I'm not hearing that much from recently. And more often than not, I'm usually rewarded with a new song. And so here are my favorites from Tyler Hilton, from 2007-11:

credit: tylerhilton This is the very first video of him that I saw.

credit:  SarahH2O

credit: Is it a sin if I say I like this version better than the original kekeke ^.*

credit: tylerhilton  Gosh! If he's my roomie, I'd be willing to to record him, hold the mic for him, edit the video for him, hell! even cook breakfast for him lol 

credit: tylerhilton


...will update w/ more.

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